Sunday, 18 November 2007

Welcome To My Blog

I welcome you all to my blog!
I'm sure it will contain lots of different subjects and rants!
You will either think "very interesting" "intelligent post" or "the ramblings of a woman with Bipolarity".
If you use the latter it will not matter because people like myself with Bipolar disorder or Manic Depression may seem mad! But I tell you this we are intelligent, creative and very observant and i do not think we should be looked upon as mental patients and people not to be listened to.
I think we can all learn a lot from eachother as human beings if we just opened our minds and dwell upon, atleast, what other people have to share. I hope that you will take something away from each of my posts.
Thank You

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello duckie, I have a blog on here too - havent used it for months!!!! its

its full of crap basically!! lol!! :-S
