Tuesday, 20 November 2007


Anxiety when extreme is the worst feeling in the world. My meds aren't working anymore because i was misdiagnosed, not the docs fault because i never told them about my severe moods and outbursts. Everyone reckons it's Bipolar disorder.
I hope the anxiety is coming from the Bipolar and not a separate illness. It doesn't help reading things like "20% of manic depressives kill themselves" & "anxiety with depression is more of a suicide risk because not only does the present feel bleak but that moment is also too unbearable due to the anxiety"
I hope my psychiatrist puts me on the right medication because right now I'm on the edge, life seems too big & scary, the anxiety is unbearable and I'm thinking of making a fucking will.

1 comment:

-K- said...

To be sure, anxiety is the worst part of bipolar - hands down. Just get the proper diagnosis & Xanax or Klonopin will become your best friend & everything will be OK. Besides, I wonder how many of the 20% were on meds. That's a statictic I'd like to see.