Tuesday, 20 November 2007

HIV & AIDS Ignorance

Did you know that the HIV and AIDS problem in this country is getting worse?
Also a survey was done and it found 75% of people in the UK would NOT donate money to a HIV & AIDS charity.
Did you know that countries such as Australia and New Zealand will not let people with the infection into their country!?
It is not a persons fault if they have HIV or AIDS..whether they are gay or straight, addicted to drugs or not, black or white, young or old.
It's time people got their heads out the sand and stop being ignorant towards this infection and the people who carry it.
Some may say that a heroin addict who injected themselves with a dirty needle brought it on themselves. I say NOT...people addicted to drugs, in my opinion, are trying to escape their own personal torture or/and were unfortunate enough to not be educated about drug abuse from a young age.
Lets stop the ignorance and start to help by either donating to a HIV & AIDS charity or educating people about how they can protect themselves against it. If you have a bad attitude towards people living with HIV/AIDS or you think they brought it on themselves...EDUCATE YOURSELF THEN OTHERS. God forbid if you ever contracted it or a member of your family...what would you do?

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